报告题目:Constructions of self-orthogonal codes from hulls of BCH codes and their parameters
报告人:李成举教授 华东师范大学
时间:2021年6月16日(周三) 10:30-11:30
地点:腾讯视频会议线上报告 (ID: 283 550 109)
In this talk, we will employ the defining sets of cyclic codes to present two general characterizations of the hulls that have dimension $k-1$ or $k^\perp-1$,where $k^\perp$ is the dimension of the dual code $\mathcal C^\perp$. Several sufficient and necessary conditions for primitive and projective BCH codes to have $(k-1)$-dimensional (or $(k^\perp-1)$-dimensional) hulls are also developed by presenting lower and upper bounds on their designed distances. Furthermore, several classes of self-orthogonal codes are proposed via the hulls of BCH codes and their parameters are also investigated.