报告题目1:Trajectory-driven Influential Billboard Placement
报 告 人:Zhifeng Bao (鲍芝峰)
时 间:2019年10月23日(周三)10:00-12:00
地 点:仙林校区计算机学科楼338会议室
摘 要:In this talk I will present our recent work on Trajectory-driven Influential Billboard Placement which is one of the Best Papers of KDD 2018. In this work we propose and study the problem of trajectory-driven influential billboard placement: given a set of billboards U (each with a location and a cost), a database of trajectories T and a budget L, find a set of billboards within the budget to influence the largest number of trajectories. One core challenge is to identify and reduce the overlap of the influence from different billboards to the same trajectories, while keeping the budget constraint into consideration. However, the enumeration should be very costly when |U| is large. By exploiting the locality property of billboards’ influence, we propose a partition- based framework PartSel which should reduce the computation cost greatly; meanwhile it achieves a non-trivial approximation ratio guarantee. Then we propose a LazyProbe method to further prune billboards with low marginal influence, while achieving the same approximation ratio as PartSel. Experiments on real datasets verify the efficiency and effectiveness of our methods.
报 告 人:Zhifeng Bao (鲍芝峰)
时 间:2019年10月23日(周三)14:00-15:30
地 点:仙林校区计算机学科楼338会议室
摘 要:鲍博士将结合他自身以及他所带领团队在CCF-A类论文的撰写和投稿上的丰富经历,与大家分享他的心得体会和经验。
鲍芝峰博士,澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT)计算机学院副教授,墨尔本大学荣誉研究员。鲍博士于2011年在新加坡国立大学(NUS)计算机学院获得博士学位,是该学院唯一的最佳博士论文奖获得者,也是新加坡信息发展局(InfoComm Development Authority)金奖获得者,并曾两次获得Google Faculty Research Award奖项。鲍博士研究方向主要包括时空数据分析、数据集成和数据可视化等,担任PVLDB 2021副主编,WSDM19 CUP、DASFAA17(workshop track)、ER18(demo track)的PC联合主席,以及VLDB17-20、SIGMOD18、SIGIR15-19、ICDE16-20、WWW 18-19等顶级会议的PC成员。鲍博士获得了kdd 2019 best paper award runnerup、DASFAA17 Best Student Paper Runnerup等5项最佳论文奖,以及KDD 2018、ICDE 2009、CIKM 2014等6项最佳论文提名。自2015年以来,他作为负责人承担了来自澳大利亚研究委员会(Australian Research Council)、CSIRO、谷歌(Google)等机构提供的累计150多万澳元的科研项目。截至目前,鲍博士在国际顶级期刊和会议(CCF-A类,如TKDE, PVLDB, SIGMOD, SIGKDD, SIGIR, VLDB, ICDE, WWW等),已累计发表30余篇高水平研究论文(具体可参见鲍博士的个人主页:https://baozhifeng.net/).