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2019年5月22日学术报告——Dejun Yang

来源: 计算机学院 | 发表时间: 2019-05-15 | 浏览次数: 1901

报告题目:Defending against Sybil attacks in Crowdsensing

报告人:   Dejun Yang

时间:      2019522日(周三)10:00

地点:      仙林校区计算机学科楼338会议室

Abstract: With the  rapid proliferation of mobile devices equipped with rich on-board sensors (e.g.,  camera, accelerometer, compass, etc.), crowdsensing emerges as a new sensing  paradigm, which outsources sensing tasks to a crowd of ubiquitous participants.  The Sybil attack is a harmful threat to crowdsensing, in which a malicious user  illegally forges multiple identities to participate in the system. It can allow  a rapacious user to receive more rewards without contributing extra efforts. In  addition, it can even enable a malicious party to control the crowdsensing  results. This talk will present how to defend against Sybil attacks in  crowdsensing using a combination of economic and systematic  approaches.

Bio: Dejun Yang is an  Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at Colorado School of  Mines. He received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Arizona State  University in 2013 and the B.S. degree in Computer Science from Peking  University in 2007.  His research interests include Internet of things,  networking, and mobile sensing and computing, with a focus on the application of  game theory, optimization, algorithm design, and machine learning to resource  allocation, security and privacy problems. He has received the 2019 IEEE  Communications Society William R. Bennett Prize (only one of the papers  published in the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and the IEEE Transactions  on Network and Service Management in the previous three years), Best Paper  Awards at GLOBECOM'15, ICC'12, ICC'11, and MASS'11, as well as a Best Paper  Runner-Up at ICNP'10. He is the TPC vice chair for information systems for  INFOCOM 2020, a student travel grant co-chair for INFOCOM 2018-2019 and was a  symposium co-chair for ICNC 2016.